
Social Media Participation

View more documents from SidneyEve Matrix.

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Commercial media viewing habits

View more presentations from Brian King.

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Recommendations for lazy language learners

Famous Canadian teacher Steve Kaufmann gives us five recommendations for lazy language learners. Duration: 08:36.

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Sixth sense, the future is right here

This is an extraordinary video about the technology is coming up. Sixth Sense is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a mobile phone—which acts as the computer and your connection to the Cloud, all the information stored on the web. Sixth Sense can also obey hand gestures, like in the movie Report. The gadget has been made at MIT, MediaLab. The video has been published by mobileUncle.

Technorati: Author: Wikipedia: technology
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The virtual world of Second Life

Technorati: Author: Wikipedia: Second Life
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